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Southern Africa

South African Winter Deals to warm up to

Posted by Out & About Africa on Sun June 9, 2024 in South Africa.

Winter does not have to be dull & dreary and stop you from traveling, in fact, do not let the word "winter" in South Africa put you off as this amazing country has some incredible hidden gems & traveler favorites. Winter (June to August) is the best time to hit the bush trails of South Africa's great parks and reserves. Sparse vegetation and dry weather draw thirsty animals to waterholes which makes it easier to spot wildlife. If you can get an opportunity like this for cheaper, even the better. Here are some great Winter deals worth exploring.

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Out & About finding Hidden Delights for your next itinerary

Posted by Out & About Africa on Fri May 3, 2024 in South Africa.

Hidden delights – it is like sticking your hand in the pocket of a long unused jacket and finding money you had forgotten about…these Western Cape properties evoke similar feelings.

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Border Crossing in Southern Africa

Posted by Out & About Africa on Sat October 7, 2023 in Travel Advice.

Our suggested list of Border Crossings in Southern African countries and what to expect, what to remember to pack and what to do when traveling in and out of our primary destination countries.

There are so many incredible places to go in Southern Africa that many travelers find it impossible to decide on just one country. If you're one of them, opt for a multinational itinerary instead; and if you have the time, consider traveling by road rather than flying.

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